View single post by Iain
 Posted: Wed Jul 17th, 2024 20:24

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Posts: 1395
Eric wrote:
As Mike and I chatted about our respective domestic projects I looked out of the patio door and said "what the **** is that?" It took me 5 secs to process the bird that landed on the tree where my bird feeders hang....." it's a Cuckoo!" I expostulated.  Mike nearly spilled his coffee.

While I rushed to the room where (yet again!!!!!!!) my camera was nestling, Mike tracked it around the garden. Sadly the blackbirds were harassing it so it kept dodging about. only managed to grab 2 long distant shots and default settings of camera were not conducive to not 100% sharp and a bit noisy trying to correct this failing.  But here you are...a 2024 Cuckoo.......

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Nice thing to see from the comfort of the house.

Last edited on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 20:24 by