View single post by Ray Ninness
 Posted: Fri Jun 29th, 2012 07:56
Ray Ninness


Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Bedford, New Hampshire USA
Posts: 92
Graham Whistler wrote: Ray yes but any Nikon DSLR would do this if focus box is moved off the object required. I have just been filming in N Wales and a Red Kite flew past me several times so I got the D800 in action locked on focus and took several un-sharp pix!! Not my normal type of photography so I was not too upset it just made me aware just how good some of these wild life photographers like Andy Rouse are.
I have always been frustrated when ever I try to shoot anything in flight, bird especially??? I know how to shoot race car, fast motorcycles, and the occasional airplane, but put feathers on it, and I'm lost???


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire