View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Jul 2nd, 2012 17:19

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Squarerigger wrote:

It has been a long time since they put out a new iMac - well beyond Apples usual time frame.

I haven't been following the new iMac releases closely but afaik the last upgrade was the introduction of Thunderbolt, I don't think you will see many new innovative changes with the next model except perhaps USB3 and no CD/DVD drive with the option of a SSD (Solid State Drive) instead as well as the normal HD.

The SSD would be good and provides an almost instant start up, with fast application launch and a generally crisper performance. In contrast to Apples apparent 'rip off' prices for their RAM, their pricing structure for SSD's seems to be very competitive compared with third party suppliers.

It will of course include Mountain Lion*, which is worth the upgrade alone!

* Scheduled for July release.
