View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Jul 3rd, 2012 01:00

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I dislike the Magic Mouse intensely! I have one but Michael uses and loves it?

My dislike stems from the unexpected leaping about of the screen image in such applications as Google Earth, or when viewing images in Lightroom caused by simply handling and using the MM. inadvertently touching the MM in the sensitive area can cause unexpected, unintended and very annoying results, for me.

As I say, Michael loves it, and keeps it well away from my desk! ;-) He even puts it away in it's little 'glass' case every night.

I keep a conventional wired mouse attached to Michaels computer in case I need to use it or need to show him something.
