View single post by steve of oxford
 Posted: Sat Jul 14th, 2012 16:38
steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
jk wrote:
steve of oxford wrote: Now have Office for Mac on it. Ha this thing rocks!

Should have bought one years ago. Now I don't know what to do with my old Toshiba, which by comparison is a goliath.

Run linux on it.  It will suddenly become fast and responsive once that Windoze thing is removed.

I used to have mint on it for years without any trouble Jonathan, but following a hard drive failure I found distros no longer had drivers for it, so back to xp.

Main comp is an abit board P4 HT 2.8G, in RAID 0 with two matched Hitachi 500G drives. Pretty fast for it's age, and dead reliable.

But for portable and general use this Macbook takes the crown. Particularly impressed with the power consumption.