View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Jul 15th, 2012 17:46

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6834
I agree Rob.

I worked with a PDP11 then a Apple IIe then an IBM PC then a BBC B then back to IBM PCs until 1993 when I used an IBM RISc machine and also DEC unix boxes, all the time working with IBM and Microsoft testing versions of OS/2 and DOS fhen Windows NT, WIndows 2000, then in 2003 i became a Microsft Partner until 2007 when I closed my consultancy and retired. In 2007 I decided with some trepidation to buy a Macbook Pro 15" which still works flawlessly with OSX 10.6.8 but will soon be Mountain Lioned. The move to Mac was easier as i was Linux familiar but in truth OSX is better as it is unix with a beautiful skin.
Now there is no way that I would return to Windows except to run a special program which I do occasionally under a VM on my Mac.

Once you have experience of the best why would anyone knowingly settle for less!
The expansion of Apple into iPad and iPhone will make peopl less reticent to change from Windows so in the future beware of a dying OS called Windows. Bill Gates is smart to get out at the top.... The decline will come and it is no down to him. ;-)

Still learning after all these years!