View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Jul 26th, 2012 07:30

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Ray Ninness wrote: ArcticRick wrote: Oh wait I just rationalized somethig . If I sell my D200 for 500 ( already have offer) then is the D700 really 2200 or is it 1700 out of pocket ? . Do you guys think the d600 will be comparable with D series lenses ? That is the kicker .If you opt for a D700 or other full frame box, you'll need new lenses!! Don't forget that side of the equation!!!


Yes indeed I didnt mention that factor in my earlier post but it is why I recommended that Ric goes for the D7000.

Good to see you back here and posting.

Still learning after all these years!