View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Aug 14th, 2012 16:55

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
Eric wrote:
Ray Ninness wrote: ArcticRick wrote: Im so annoyed by it all , I just want something that shoots at higher ISO than my D200 .The D3 really kicked the High ISO Low Noise can down the road, and obsoleted just about every camera in the field. Especially every Nikon body that came before it..

The day I bought my first D700 98% of a D3, perhaps, but what an amazing beast, was the day that my D2x went into the vault to stay !!! And I was in love with that box up until then..

For the work I am doing now, and it isn't much, the D700's more then cover the task, and are still amazing low light Kings...

The D2x still could produce wonderful images, but the very limiting ISO range, only realized once I had the D700, was the death of that box!!!

Rick reduce your operating pain, get a newer body with the extended High ISo range and watch you images improve on the spot!!!


I can remember the 'relief' ...yes relief... I got when I took the first shots with the D3.
For the first time I was able to stop chimping to check the image recorded as I saw it.

Thats not to say previous cameras didnt create great pictures, but somehow the D3 relaxed the process.  If you needed 2000 ISO there wasnt the nagging doubt it would be noisy. You didnt have to consider lens /camera settings to diminish noise or preplan noise reducing processing....which although successful added more work.

The larger pixels gave greater clarity in the images. The whole process of picture making became more relaxed. The D3 just reduced the anxst.

Sure the D3S moved the goalposts higher...and the D4 even more.

But I said then and I repeat now... "The D3 is as good as it NEEDS to get for 95% of shooters". 

I havent used a D700. But I am willing to bet the IQ and handling will be close to the D3 but at a lower price.

So I fully support Ray's recommendation to just get a D700 and reduce the pain.

The only thing a new DX body is guaranteed to bring is 1.5x magnification. Just get yourself a Kenko TC converter and you have it already.

I agree the D3 and D3s are fine cameras to use and producing great results is so much easier than with D800 or a DX camera. I dont know why but I feel more confident wth the D3 than the D800.

Still learning after all these years!