View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Aug 30th, 2012 08:55

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Peter_LO wrote: JK,
I don't have any 4x5 but only a 6x17 with shift function. The PC-E 24 is very sharp in its "neutral" position, but once shifted it has much more CA that the Super Angulon 90, and sharpness drops drastically.

AE and auto-aperture are big pluses over non-E PC lenses, but the vignetting wide-open will fool the meter and it ends up into heavily over-exposed pictures.

That said, I can feel the temptation.:thumbsup: If renting is not a viable option, how about buying one 2nd hand? AFAIK a 2nd hand PC 35 is only USD 500 in HK.

Thanks for the information on the realities of use.

I can see a Nikon 24mm f3.5 PC-E in the UK for £1150 (second hand) but I can buy one new for £1400 so the differential is not good.
I can also see second hand units of Nikon 35 PC or (my preference)  28mm PC for £300 and £400 respectively.

There is also another option I am considering which is a Kipon tilt adapter for the Fuji XPro1  which allows me to attach a Nikon lens.   This sounds best to be as the cost is only £75 delivered to my door from China.

Still learning after all these years!