View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 17:12

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Thanks all.
I'm fine and thankfully far away from the current fires near Malaga.
We have had major fires (not reported in UK) earlier in the year (July) but the current fires are similar to the fires we see all over Spain in the summer time.

High temperatures, very dry conditions and the occasional pyromanic dont mix well.
Most of the fires are caused by mad people who deliberately start them, or careless disposal of glass bottles and live cigarette butts!

Unfortunately this year in our Valencia region we have lost 2 brave firemen in these fires. The fires in July were only 7km away and we had severe ash falls and huge smoke billowing over the hills.
Fortunately the warm winter temperatures and good rainfall mean that devastated areas soon regenerate and in the short term the biggest loss is the wildlife and landscape looks blackened and desolate but in a couple of years it is all back except for the pine trees.

Still learning after all these years!