View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Sep 11th, 2012 05:43

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Peter_LO wrote: Robert wrote:
The PB4 bellows allows slight tilting and shifting, which can be useful but if using a standard Nikkor the image circle could be a problem, and it's only any use with either the 105mm F4.5 Bellows Nikkor or a similar lens like an EL Nikkor.

I'm thinking about buying the 85 PC-E as well but it seems taht the bellow+EL Nikkor combo is cheaper and makes more sense.

Pity that the "longest" EL lens produced by Nikon today is only 63mm so it won't allow much shifting. o.O
Is that new lenses or old you are referring to regarding 63mm ?.
I used to have an EL Nikkor for my SuperChromega enlarger that was 150mm f5.6  but that was nearly 15 years ago!!!

I just did a search on eBay ( using  El Nikkor lens) and got back El Nikkors 50mm, 75mm, 80mm, 105mm, 150mm and 210mm.
The lenses obviously correspond to use with film of particular sizes.

For PC use the 105mm would be great as that was designed for 6x9cms, or 150mm for 5x4, even the 75mm and 80mm lenses would work well as they were designed for 6x6 film.

Still learning after all these years!