View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Sep 14th, 2012 03:06

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I did notice when I was photographing the Little Terns with Jeff during the summer that they move so fast it's impossible to capture a particular pose, for want of the correct term.

Going through the images later I found many sharp and otherwise 'OK' images were spoiled by pose, wing positions and heads pointing the wrong way etc. That all changes in a second, so one image may be rubbish, the next a winner. It would be very difficult to time these events by eye, they happen so fast and at some distance, often while panning. Getting the bird in frame is a challenge, let alone choosing a pose!

That said, I don't think the difference between 5 frames a second and 11 frames a second would up the keeper rate much because a burst of images either 'has it' or not. One extra image between two would not make that much difference most of the time.

On a practical note the difference in cost between a 5 fps body and an 11 fps body is considerable for only one extra frame between two. Better use movie mode and extract a frame! That would give you 30 fps and silent. The Canons would think you gone to sleep!
