View single post by Constable
 Posted: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 15:24

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Posts: 224
I can try the following at the weekend if the weather is half way decent (and if I get myself prepared for a trip to China on Tuesday)

1. D4 + 400mm f 2.8 ?
2. D800 + 400mm f 2.8 ?
3. D4 and D800 with 200 mm f2 and TC 2 III
4. D4 and D800 with 300 mm f2 and TC 1.7 II (I don't have a 1.4)

i can probably borrow a D7000 to try with the above combination

"It should be possible to plot IQ against cost."

Err ... how? The cost axis is easy. What do we use as the objective IQ parameter? I can think of lots of possibilities, all of which involve playing with lots of expensive toys and which actually say nothing about the subjective viewing experience!
