View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 10:33

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6874
steve of oxford wrote: Ed Hutchinson wrote:
looks like the UK is just as sick as the US, problem is nothing to be done, by honest people anyway.



At last someone near to understanding how we went down the pan. i.e. we've gone down because of two quisling governments importing american ideology into the way our daily lives are governed:

Non-public facing public sector.
Swipe card access everywhere.
Corporate model in just about everything.
Spying on citizens.
Giving the security services licence to do what the hell they like to anyone objecting to traitor government.
Assassinating people who get in the way of illegal invasions.
Giving nasty little illegal toys to the police, usually imported from the US.
Covertly passing all UK citizens private data to the CIA.
Knocking off anyone who 'could' pose a threat, but hasn't actually done anything.
Spy cameras everywhere.

Not difficult to see where the corporate-ism disease was imported from, and who by.

Not sure I take this view as is anti-American in its slant. 
The problem isnt America but it is the adoption of policies that are multi-national and then screaming when they dont work everywhere.

Whilst some of the problems seem to come from America when you research the source and cause it is different.  The USA as a free and open-minded country (in general, there are always exceptions) tend to be 'first adopters' and frequently pay the price for this.

Still learning after all these years!