View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Nov 4th, 2012 13:45

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435

If you had the X100 with 35mm lens and XE1 with 60mm lens would you drop the D7000 from the travel kit?

Why not just the XE! and the 18-55mm?

The 18-55 isn't available yet, so we don't know how good it will be compared to the 18, 35 primes. It also looks a bit bulky. But there is no doubt that if it passes muster a zoom might be useful for lazy so and sos like me. :-)

As far as the D7000 is concerned, my wife prefers the feel of a lightish DSLR to the X100 so it may still come with us. I also take a long lens with me, just in case I need some long reach and, although you can probably get an fujix - nikon afs adapter, I prefer to fix it to a DSLR.

But there is no doubt that we are entering an interesting phase of digital development. Until now it's been all about improving sensor, pixels and noise. But I think the new compact camera formats are blending the ease of use and convenience of point and shoot cameras with the funtionality and performance of DSlRs.

That's a wig I am wearing. My real hair colour is dark brown.:rofl:

Last edited on Sun Nov 4th, 2012 13:47 by Eric
