View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Nov 22nd, 2012 13:43

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
How come on this forum almost every topic about Windows swings to posts about Mac?

But... Since we are now discussing the Mac OS...

Tom, I read almost word for word what you have just asserted about Snow Leopard since long before OSX, going back to the early OS's many people assert that the previous but one or two OS was the perfect OS for them. Then we move on and eventually they are forgotten in the mysts of time.

What you know IS often the best at the time, but hardware moves on and the OS has to evolve with the hardware.

Personally I love the ease of use of the current OS and I am holding my breath for 10.8.3 which I will have very soon (24th?).

Most of the dislike for up to date OS's relates to compatibility with existing software. Very understandable but that is really at the door of the software developers, they have access to the Beta versions well in advance and have a direct line to Apple and Microsoft, they have no real excuse for not keeping abreast of the OS's. How long have WE known about W8? Nikon and Adobe must have known long before we did and even if they didn't I can be pretty sure W9 will follow W8 so If I were a software dev I would be gearing up for W9 NOW not W8.

The software dev's need to be proactive, NOT retrospective. The OS cycles are very predictable.
