View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Dec 2nd, 2012 16:16

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
Eric wrote:
Squarerigger wrote:
Gosh Eric and Ed, I was going to get you guys this front door mat for Christmas but guessing from your comments, it would probably not be well received.


You guys are a hard crowd to buy for. Next you'll be bad mouthing neck ties.:rofl:

Neck ties? ah yes I remember those!

When I left the corporate world, 17 years ago, to set up my photography and design business, I swore I would never wear a suit and tie for work ever again. ( the artistic gypsy in me) LOL

I was lucky that a group of clients I picked up in the early days were all Plymouth Brethren. For those who don't know the Brethren, they are a religious group with strict adherence to the scriptures wording which has resulted in many rigid and sometimes bizarre 'beliefs'.

One of them is that neckties are unacceptable personal embellishment. I was never sure where in the Bible it ever mentioned neckties, never mind not to wear them...but I digress.
All the men have open necked shirts and the women have headscarves. They are, I suppose, a sort of watered down Armish. (no disrespect intended as they are genuine nice people to work for!)

So they were ideal clients for me. I could turn up to meetings in casual attire. But one day I was visiting Campbell's Grocery Products factory on the same trading estate and I reverted to previous form and wore a jacket and tie for the marketing meeting. After the meeting as I left the factory I was waiting at traffic lights and opposite me waiting to go the other direction was the Chairman of the Brethren company. We exchanged waves as we drove off...but at our next meeting he (mischievously) said "So you think we aren't as important enough as Campbell's, to wear a tie?"

I can't recall now, how I fended off the jovial scolding, but it wasn't one of my quick responses. I was a bit concerned I had insulted them in some way by mimickery. As it was it was all laughed off and we enjoyed 10 years of profitable open necked business together.

But from then on i never wore a tie, not even to blue chip clients...... Unnecessary personal embellishment!!


Great story Eric.

I used to have to wear a tie when I moved from the labs to IT. However I managed to convince my boss that wearing a tie was not considered suitable when working with clients from R&D but I still had to have a tie in the drawer so if I was meeting clinical or marketing customer I could wear one.

I'm sure that now there must be a HSE ruling against wearing ties!


Still learning after all these years!