View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Dec 11th, 2012 22:30

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Probably easiest to go to a sign shop, they will be able to get for you from their supplier. These suppliers tend to be few and far between, mine is in Oldham! Mind, they do a delivery service with their own trucks, but I doubt they deliver to Spain.

I think the last sheets I got were 3 Metres by 1.5. I collected them so I asked them to cut them into my finished sizes, which they did on the spot with a large sheet saw.

I am using the remnants to make the dashboard for the car. Very useful stuff. Also makes nice grey cards!

I have found if heated with a hot air gun it will bend very nicely and stay. If marked by pressure, running the hot air gun over the marks seems to make them disappear, I think the air in the foam expands the softened foam back to it's original form, a sort of healing process.
