View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Apr 17th, 2012 10:48

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6934
Doug wrote: whiteiris wrote:
Am I right I saying the 7d is a 'DX' size sensor and the 400mm is an' 'FX' the effective focal length on your shot was 600mm ish?

It's slightly smaller than DX at 1.6x (insteadof 1.5x) crop
This means the equivalent is 640mm

Another advantage/disadvantage of the Canon system depending on whether you are shooting a wide or a telephoto

Btw. I would strongly discourage purchasing af-s lenses as one day you will end up kicking yourself:no:

Did you really mean this ?
Btw. I would strongly discourage purchasing af-s lenses as one day you will end up kicking yourself.

I am looking to get AFS on all my lenses.
Unfortunately that also means G style lens but AFS is a real win for me.

Still learning after all these years!