View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 06:38

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
richw wrote: jk wrote:
Actually I finished making my assessment of the situation this evening.

Unless I go to a 12 core 3GHz machine then it seems pointless to get a Mac Pro in preference to my Mac Mini 2GHz quad core unit.
Money stays in the bank for my expedition in February 2013.

Isn't the Mac Pro a little dated now running on the previous Intel chip. Meant to be big changes coming in the not too distant future according to Apple.

I dont like the idea of multiple drives hanging off a spaghetti of USB or Firewire cables.
I would rather have them all in cabinet of a single computer or in a drive enclosure.

I bought a DROBO 4 drive unit and a DroboShare (to make it networkable) early this year to test but have been disappointed with it.  Maybe I need to get newer model.

My Buffalo TeraStations are getting long in the tooth now and only provide 2TB of data storage each (I have 4).  The Drobo should have allowed me 4TB per unit which would have been a good start.

Still learning after all these years!