View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Dec 19th, 2012 18:27

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6924
steve of oxford wrote:
jk wrote:
Been to a bull fight and Yes it is art but not to my taste. Been to the running with the bulls which is a more 'sporty' or evenhanded situation where it is 'fun' and no killing of the bulls.

I wouldnt go to another correda as I think it is not sport or even good fun just legalised slaughter of 6 bulls for the greater glory of the three matadors.
Running with the bulls is different as there is no kill except of humans. In the Valencia region every year there are 8-12 people killed each year. No problem with this as it is their choice to run with the bull and if it kills them that is their choice.

This is a very personal statement and judgement calls are difficult. If you eat meat then similar calls and questions can be brought into play if you take a vegan stance.

Firstly, if you notice during the running the bulls horns are actually tethered, if it looks like the bull might get even with one the fat sickos they simply tension the rope. Not only that, the bull's corns are capped.

I don't find it art at all, far as I'm concerned it's a bunch of cowards & greasy ponses cruelly killing animals. Put these scum in with some big that's what I'd call entertainment.

Not here in the Valencia region. Once the bulls are out of the pen they run free in the strreets and the horns are not capped. The horns may be damaged due to poor transportation or the bull rubbing horn on wall.

Like I say the correda (bullfighting where the bull always dies) is not to my taste.

Still learning after all these years!