View single post by richw
 Posted: Sat Dec 29th, 2012 08:18

Joined: Tue Apr 10th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525
OK These are very bad photos taken with an iPhone, but I'm getting up early and its nearly 1am so not worrying about the quality (but after a second look almost didn't post) :(
The last image is the worst and needs rotating 90 degrees but is the main reason I love this camera so much. It shows me slipping it into my front jeans pocket. It sits in there comfortably no problem at all - it's about the same size as my blackberry. The fuji simply won't do that, so whilst I believe it would compete OK on image quality I'm much more likely to have the Sony on me at any given point.
For me that is the point of this camera (and the Fuji). If I'm going out with photography as a main objective (or even just having a barbi at home) I'll get the Nikon out. However if photography is an incidental possibility or I don't want to upset my Barbi guests by shoving a D3 in their faces I can pull out a small camera - and the Sony is more convenient than the Fuji.