View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 13:34

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4462
Robert wrote: The problem with 'old' versions of software like CS2 is that they will ONLY run on 'old' computers with 'old' OS's.

What are we talking about here! CS2 old???  Anything more than two versions back is pretty well obsolete if you want to keep up to date with the hardware.

I had hoped that computers were somehow reaching a plateau but I somehow doubt it.

Quadruple returns seem to force para line spacing.

You are of course correct.
Sadly most obsolete software, like obsolete DSLRs, would still outstrip most users capabilities. CS2 and a D200 will still bring home the bacon.
I am beginning to believe that after Bankers, software developers are the next worse muggers.
