View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Jan 8th, 2013 03:58

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
The whole Leica MF only versus others with AF/MF options is a very difficult debate.

Whilst AF is great and gets 80% focus without a thought, the same is possible with MF with a little thought.  Its the 20% that AF misses that when you consider MF only and the fact that isince you have already started and completed the process in MF when with AF by the time you use AF then found that the first image is OOF and switch to MF you have taken longer or missed the opportunity.
Balancing the faster initial AF for the snatch shot versus the MF missed it because you were too slow is a difficult call as it varies with photographer.

Cost wise it should be possible to make an MF only lens for much reduced cost until you consider the red dot factor. That said the Leica lenses are very good.

I think I will be staying with the XPro1 with maybe an addition of a XE1.
I really want the 10-24 and 70-200 zooms from Fuji.

Still learning after all these years!