View single post by Ed Hutchinson
 Posted: Tue Jan 15th, 2013 23:19
Ed Hutchinson

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Washington USA
Posts: 214
liars     idiots    and  nerdowells  OH  MY!!!!!!!

I ordered a ipad mini for the wife on Friday from Mac Mall the woman I spoke to could hardly understand me (that should have been a sign to run away) but I went ahead. I was told the item was in stock (led me to believe it was in the California store) and it would ship Friday.Call ended ( I was not given a order number or a tracking number) I got side tracked (Honey do) and did not get back. So I called customer service Saturday, and was given an order number and a tracking number. All is well right   NOT     I tried the tracking number several times till Monday afternoon, I then  had a chat on line with them and was told that it shipped Friday chat ended before I could comment. That started a slow burn and I called customer disservice and was told that I was given an invalid T number ok so give me the right one, couldn't do that as it was a phone order and the person that took the call would have to do it. ok I ll talk to her    sorry she must be on break. (you can see where this is going)
so I demanded to speak to a supervisor that won"t help only the order taker can do anything ( I have condensed this muchly) this all lasted over an hour and a half. In the end I was have some fun just shoveling stinky stuff at them. Because I have a background in shipping and receiving I knew they really were just blowing smoke trying to put me off only making thing worse for them I let them off the hook saying that I would probably return the item unopened.

This afternoon I just for grins I checked the tracking number with UPS. yes you know where this is going, item shipped fro Memphis Tenn  Monday morning.  OH so much could have been avoided had they just told me the truth in the first place instead of covering their nether regions and lying





All will be well in the end
If all is not well
It is not the end!!!!

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!