View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Jan 22nd, 2013 15:53

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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richw wrote:
Thanks Eric, I might give that a go. I have a sequence of shots that show Jac (my wife) missing her jump and catch on 'Everest' which is a large half pipe they have to sprint up leap and catch the ledge or the hand of someone strong enough to pull them up.

The sequence (below) shows her missing and sliding back down. Any ideas how this could be presented.

Are the last 3 crops of the same framing as the first 3?

One option would be to overlay them (layers) keep the top and bottom full opacity but drop the opacity of the intermediate ones to give a ghost trail down the slope. Of course you need to erase any interference lines and details where the layer register isn't identical.

Something like this....

Alternatively, from a display perspective, you could just print 3 letterbox pictures (losing grip, sliding, end) and hang them as a landscape vertical triptych.

A landscape version similar to this painting...

Will have another think...maybe someone else has a idea?

Last edited on Tue Jan 22nd, 2013 16:49 by Eric
