View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Jan 24th, 2013 07:22

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6877
Obsessions about recessions and depressions.
I read this article on the current economic situation.

To me it all seems very obvious.
The leadership of countries and companies are worried about the wrong things!

If a company provides great products at a fair price then its products are in high demand.
If you have a system that encourages innovation and creation then new products develop very rapidly and the best are sorted out by market forces.

In a situation where the obsession is low risk, high profit and maximum extraction you end up in a mean minded corner where you produce nothing as it costs less to do nothing.

I think that since we have rampant unemployment and notional recession that we need to encourage more innovation and creative thought. I'm not talking about Ponzi schemes and the like but the genuine innovation and creation that was seen in early 20th century and after WWII.

When yousee the projects that abound in universities that have minimal funding and see large banks being fined for fraudlent actions it begs the question about the need for the financial institutions and their profits. After all banks only borrow your money to lend to others!

Still learning after all these years!