View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Jan 24th, 2013 15:20

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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richw wrote:
Eric wrote:
richw wrote:
Unfortunately I was moving around and zooming in and out so I don't have a shot of the whole view the close ups were zoomed in optically rather than cropped, however I have made rough attempt to build a composite (very rough) to use the effect Eric suggested. Might have another go tomorrow and put the last image (her at the bottom) on top of the one above it. I added a bit of motion blur but wish I hadn't now as it makes the interim image look cut out and pasted in which they weren't, they were just blended around with a mask.

P.S. There is a lot of content aware fill going on in this image!

I would use good,old fashioned erasing around each of the transparent body layers. Just leave the first layer as the background. Not sure you need the two images at the start they're very close to one another. You will be surprised how much you can back off the opacity and still get the effect. You could put some motion blur on the transparent layers as they are going to be blurry anyway. Also can you rotate the image anticlockwise a tad to exaggerate the slope? Don't know how it would look. But it's stating to be a fun image. Well done.
Ps can you graft her legs from the penultimate image on to the last image...but get them poking out of the frame? OK off for my meds now.


Unfortunately there is not enough of a background overlap to erase and turn the opacity down otherwise there start to be patches of the half pipe that start to become see through. Maybe I should try to build the half pipe without Jac on it first and then add her to that image. If only I had shot the damn thing as a whole whilst no one was running up - it would be much easier but I didn't have this image in my head then!

I agree the second image is very close, I was trying to show the "Missed catch" but I think you are right it detracts from the overall image.

The idea on the legs is brilliant, will definitely give that a go on attempt two!

I know what you mean about "I wish I had shot some empty shots"

I have just been asked by a garden furniture company to superimpose sets taken in the studio, into garden settings. I had done loads of shots in garden settings last year but never thought to take some 'blanks' for later use.

Now struggling to get background images that the customer likes ...that also fit the shooting angle and lighting of the studio shots. GRRR!

Just another thought on the " legs out of the frame " idea. You could have a wooden frame round the image which is broken where the legs come out.

Last edited on Thu Jan 24th, 2013 15:22 by Eric
