View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Jan 30th, 2013 06:16

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote: Maybe...

When I got my D1 I considered the DX sensor to be a temporary expedient until Nikon figured how to make a proper size sensor. Well they did that with the excellent D3 or D700.

I would rather get a good 'old' D3 than a new very high pixel density D400 12 to 15 Meg pixels are plenty in my opinion. The extra large image files and horrid gritty noise I see in these small pixel images puts me right off. I would rather have larger soft pixels more like film grain.

Almost all my lenses are FX capable so I am ready to switch any time if the right body comes along. But affording it might be a different matter... :rofl:

Wonder how the D600 compares to the D3?
