View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Feb 12th, 2013 03:37

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
blackfox wrote:
suppose i went through the lot model boats ,balsa wood rubber powered planes and gliders ,plastic airfix models galore ,meccano ,train sets etc the model making did me some good as it got me a job on special effects at MGM elstree studios ,i worked on 2001,plus bits on the prisoner and we had to do a quick re-build of the chateau in the dirty dozen as it burned down during filming ,best bit was driving round the sets/lots in the mini mokes from the prisoner .

went on in my late twenties to r/c model yachts and did quiet well at that competing in a world championship at gosport .also managed to keep a healthy interest in photography and d&p through this period .alas all records now lost due to the vagaries of divorce o.O

You are a dark horse Jeff.
Sounds great.
I used to make model yachts when I was a lad. They were not radio controlled but had a self steering vane and the mast was taller than me. It had a huge head weight on the keel to keep it trimmed. Happy days.

Still learning after all these years!