View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Feb 27th, 2013 16:42

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
Robert wrote: My Ps-Cs5 says my software is up to date, also Lr3.6 seems stuck on ACR 6.6. o.O

It is if you have CS5 then ACR 6.8 is the latest version as is Lightroom v.3.6 for LR3

However there is a LR4.4 and ACR7.4 (for CS6).

Also the Adobe Update may not be working if you have LittleSnitch enabled.

Probably little benefit for me to have ACR 6.8 I expect it only enables newer cameras.

I don't have Little Snitch enabled because it doesn't play well with my current OS although I just read that there is a new up to date release of LS which does.
