View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Mar 16th, 2013 06:53

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
richw wrote:
Import them with a specific keyword phrase such as "Delete these B****rds". Just add them in current location for speed, but you can then be sure to be able to search for them.

However just after import they should all be nicely grouped together on your screen, you can select them all and hit 'X' at this point. Then goto Photo>Delete Rejected Photos (or use command delete shortcut). That will delete them for you.

If you don't do them immediately filter for keyword phrase and follow same steps.

Thanks Rich, That worked, I did add the keyword DELETE as a safety net but in fact I selected them all then X, then delete from disk.

I think I have some sort of corruption going on because if I try to synchronise the main pictures folder, which is what the master import consists of, it claims there are about 1,400 images to add, but when I synchronise them nothing is added. I though there might be some ghosts remaining so I emptied the bin, and optimised the database but it still thinks there are images there but noting appears after the import.

I think when I have finished the cull I will create a new database and then dump the old databases once I am happy with the new one. I am expecting to reduce the images to under 10,000 active images. I will create a new 'work archive' of my old work images once I have finished this one. It's mainly a record of construction jobs I have done.
