View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Apr 8th, 2013 04:24

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Jeff, I think there is a danger in seeing the work of others who have a rapport with a particular camera or subject and translating THAT into 'what a great camera'.

There is a website somewhere created by a photographer of D200 images. They are wonderful images, truly great, but it was the user who created those great images not the camera. Even I will admit that the D200 has been improved on (slightly) in the years since it was released.

For my needs the D200 does all I NEED. The only improvement I am seeking is full frame, I have always felt that DX was a temporary expedient until the sensor technology developed FX at an affordable price.

If I do replace the D200 I will be looking to go with FX so that I can use my lenses as they were designed to be used, rather than only using the centre of the image circle.
