View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Apr 10th, 2013 18:03

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
richw wrote:
Eric wrote:
So are you into boxing yourself Rich?

I reckon some of those guys should borrow Tiffanne's top.

But dont tell them I said so.


Yes - unfortunately! I went away over Easter and lost a bit of ground. Sparring has been very hard since I got back. Whatever our relevant shapes the overall fitness of the group is pretty good. I'm the least fit of the group I can run rings around most regular gym goers in their forties at the minute. Boxing is much more demanding than I ever realised.

I did some boxing at school...but back then everything was effortless. I bet I would now need a chairlift to get in the ring.

