View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri Apr 12th, 2013 18:56

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
novicius wrote:
Ah yes , contributions ,.. li`ll problem there , for tho` it`s nice to shoot 500 pics on one film , the folder system is a real pita , I spend several hours finding a pic in one folder , looked in another folder , then could n`t find the first pic., something t` do with me forgetting t` name folders , folders in camera and in LR 3 and in photodesk , I need to organise things , one way or another , so far it`s a real headache  :banghead:

You are not alone with cataloguing headaches. Most of my clients have agreed with a filenaming system so I can quickly retrieve selected images for use in artwork. But one customer had refused to adopt a simple system. He seriously wanted me to name his images like this...

Stainless steel-p325-for-cauliflower-florets-tomatoes-and-lettuce.jpg

I avoided doing it. But it presented another problem as after the camera has been round the 10,000 a few times ...telling me he wants DSC3013 means I have to ask...which year?

I have to say I struggle with doing the necessary' housekeeping ' like naming and filing ....I find it a bit boring.
