View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Apr 24th, 2013 04:08

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Well I am not so sure.

I don't understand it properly but I have been messing with my image file libraries and re-organising my Lightroom catalogues.

As I have mentioned before I do not ingest my actual image files into Lightroom, they are in their original folder structure on a hard drive with the Lightroom.LrCat and the previews.Lrdata in a nearby folder. The vast majority of my images are NEF's.

This is an account of an experiment.

Yesterday I copied all my image files to a fresh, clean internal drive from an external drive. I then created a NEW Lightroom 3 catalogue. Many of the keywords, and apparently all of the image adjustments were re-created when I created the new catalogue. Not all the keywords were present so in fact I dumped the 'new' catalogue. I was careful to unmount the external drive before creating the new catalogue, so as not to give the cataloging process any external reference.

I don't understand why some keywords 'stuck' and others were apparently lost, It didn't appear to relate to NEF/JPEG differences. It was more recent keywords which were missing. There are very few sidecar files, only for images I have opened with Photoshop, which are progressively fewer nowadays.

So based on my experiment keywords are carried with the image files, even NEF's but apparently not reliably.

I have included a screen shot of my current folder structure below. Back to keyword checking...

When I get bored with Keyword checking again I may create a new catalogue with some fresh images and see what happens...

Attachment: Screen Shot 2013-04-24 at 08.50.26.jpg (Downloaded 32 times)
