View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Apr 24th, 2013 06:06

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote: Thank you Eric, very interesting how the D200IR seems to record such good shadow detail compared with the D7000, I am not surprised.

And please, keep Rabbiting on!!! :devil:

I have been looking at this from a simplistic point of view. Why would so many clever and specialised photographers dedicate a DSLR body, (or several) and invest heavily in modifying them and keeping dedicated IR friendly lenses, when there is supposedly a viable software alternative?

The exposure is KEY. To that there is no alternative.

Eric, have you assessed the process the software uses, is it an action?
It seems to me that the major adjustment is just done with the colour sliders. see screengrab

This is my point. Sure its a clever bit of optimisation but with only 8 colours to adjust the pallette control is limited. And its when the colours fall between that the artefacts show up. It needs a dithering alorithm...which the ACR interface doesnt offer.

Attachment: Untitled-1.jpg (Downloaded 25 times)
