View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Apr 24th, 2013 08:11

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Eric wrote: TomOC wrote: My thought is that one should bite the bullet and have a sensor adapted to IR to make IR images...especially since you just may choose a COLOR image :-)

Interesting idea, but too limited to spend much time on....

Thanks for convincing me :-)

I just convinced myself 'out' of leaving the D200IR at home when I go on holiday. More weight to carry!

Of course the other good thing about the IR sensor conversion, is there is some residual colour in the image (more or less depending on the filter choice). This subliminal colour can be worked on in CS to produce interesting effects with very little effort....

I really do like this image (EVENTIDE).  Everything about it is great!   Love the crows in the sky the lines of the landscape, the light in general.

I would love to have the original NEF so I could see the original and then see how you have managed to get to the final image.

Still learning after all these years!