View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Apr 25th, 2013 10:29

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
Robert wrote: jk wrote:
I use LR for all my Keywording and Image Rating.

Lightroom stores all keywords and Image Rating in the lrcat database or in the xmp files. It creates against every image.

There are occasions when I have keyworded files and then gone back to find they havent been keyworded!.
I have decided this is due to the type ahead feature in the keywording so when I do an to save the keyword in fact all I have done is accepted the Keyword suggested.

I need to decide if the type ahead is desirable or not. Sometimes it is sometimes not!!

There is also another occasion when you can think you are keywording and in fact you are only doing some of the files not all. See the link below for a full explanation.

Thanks JK, I have looked at the links. The first link has some interesting snippets which I will follow up.

As I add keywords I always check they have registered before I move to the next image, but they always do register. The only time I have a problem of this sort is using the recent keyword list.

Clicking on a keyword here 'toggles' the keyword i.e. turns it on or off. If the keyword in the recent keyword list is highlighted then it's selected, otherwise it's grey. If I am quickly checking for a particular keyword in a batch of images I use the recent keyword feature to turn on or off the particular keyword, sometimes I toggle it the wrong way. That can result in the keyword being either present or absent for that particular image, or if I have multiple images selected in grid view, all of the selected images.

Currently I am checking every single keyword and checking the keyword against the image for relevance.

The highlighting of the active keywords isn't as clear as it might be, sometimes when my eyes are very tired I make mistakes. I would guess at present I am spending at least ten hours a day checking the keywords.

OMG.... That must be a labour of love or else you have some seriously masochistic tendencies.
I dont think that I could do that for more than a few days.

Still learning after all these years!