View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Apr 26th, 2013 06:38

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
kds315 wrote: Well, I have "a few" macro lenses and set up a site about them a while ago:

but its is mainly quite specialized ones, not that normal stuff everyone uses...
(also for UV and IR and "monster lumens")

Hi Klaus,
Welcome to the forum.

At last I have another person who I can pick their brains on the UV work I would like to start.
I know Bjorn Rorslett also drops in from time to time but he is also out on location for a lot of time.

Anyway welcome I am sure that you will be able to provide us with some expert information on all things macro in the visible and invisible (to human) light ranges.

Still learning after all these years!