View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Jun 5th, 2013 17:18

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
Ed Matusik wrote:
I've got to say that since buying my D4, all else seems trivial. The D300 can't compare to the the capabilities of this camera. It will take a lot to make me buy another DX camera. - EdM

P.S., the 2X nikon telextender(TC III)with the 200-400mm lens is spectacular.

That is very interesting to hear you say that.

I have long felt that FX suits me better but it is not easy to define why!
As such I have considered buying a D600 but dont think it meets my desired specification for the general camera characteristics. I'd be interested to hear from Peter Lo in HK, as I know he has one, as to how it compares to a D3.
The lack of a 10pin socket and improved AF seems like small differences until you consider the replacement of legacy interface electronics and accessories for the change from 10 pin to USB and the fact that the AF needs to match D3 characteristics or better!

Then on top of that there is the consideration of long telephotos when DX and FX are considered.

Still learning after all these years!