View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Jun 8th, 2013 04:22

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thank you Graham, that's lovely!

That may inspire me to create something similar...

I have only a tiny garden which only contains plants which are named commemoratively, that is (usually) after the person who first discovered the plant and reported the find to Kew.

There is a pesky little white alpine flower, Jeffersonia dubia, which I have tried to capture over the years but all the images I captured were blown out. This was mostly with my D1 before I understood the histogram and more about allowing for the bright end of the scale.

Unfortunately this plant only flowers for about two weeks in late April I haven't managed to capture it again since my first attempt. This example is at Wisley RHS Garden

My back is a bit better thank you although very fragile still. At least I don't have to use a stick just to cross the room now!

An example of my attempts to capture Jeffersonia dubia, back in 2006, with the D1 and Nikkor Micro 60 f2.8.

Attachment: Screen Shot 2013-06-08 at 10.14.28.jpg (Downloaded 28 times)
