View single post by richw
 Posted: Wed Aug 7th, 2013 06:22

Joined: Tue Apr 10th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525

Q1 - there is functionality in Lightroom for Synchronising a catalogue between a PC and laptop. I have never used it but I believe it came in about version 3, because a lot of photographers were screaming for it. I'll see if I can find a tutorial for it, I believe there is one in

Q2 - everything that is in ACR is in Lightroom but no more without purchasing plugins. ACR can do a hell of a lot now, local adjustments with the brush and other tools, most photo-fixing type adjustments are possible but fine work, compositing etc need photoshop. There are however a lot of third party plugins that extend this functionality. As well as the layers plug in JK mentioned, Nik software do a lot including Silver Effects and HDR which look good, I might try them out when extra funds are available, but for now generally if it needs that bit extra I use Photoshop.

I always go back to Lightroom for printing, creating Jpgs or TIFFs, or web galleries. Not tried books yet but intend to fairly soon.