View single post by blackfox
 Posted: Tue Aug 27th, 2013 10:42

Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
luckily its a nikon so while you can see the noise in a raw file its easily removed with decent software ,had a little play today (the suns only just come out at 4p.m ) and it looks like the 1.7tc shares the same shutter speed sweet spot of 1/1600th sec. thought i might have to move that one on.i could kick myself really for not realising this earlier but its such a basic problem it passes you by ,and its not showing at shorter focal lengths either .which obviously dulls your response to the real answer.
thinking about it now i know the answer its simple really the sensors are made/developed by sony ,ALL there camera bodies have built in image stabilisers as well ,plus most of there latest bodies incorporating these sensors also have mirror less built in as well ,negating any camera shake problems o.Oo.O