View single post by jk
 Posted: Mon Sep 9th, 2013 09:11

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6874
richw wrote: jk wrote:
Well I'll buy it when they also provide me with guaranteed 8Mbit ADSL connection in the bundle. I will still store all my data locally.

The more I investigate and understand the cloud model and its implications the less I like it.

This statement is made in light of the situation where (all or most) governments operate in a manner that allows them to decide which, what and whose data to look at without permission other than their own notion of 'in the interest of national security'.

Look at the current and new laws being legislated in USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Vietnam and China to name but a few countries.

I don't use the cloud storage. The application is installed on your local drive, and it checks once a month to make sure that it's still valid. If when the check is due it can't contact the internet it gives you a warning and a grace period (I think 90 days) if at the end of that period it still has not been able to connect the application is disabled. Might be a problem if you did a six month trek into the wilderness, but should be OK for most people.

So the move to CC will not reduce the software piracy issues that Adobe have.

While I can see there are some/many positives for Adobe in that the distribution of patches and updates is much simplified I cant see many real benefits for the single license user who just wants the current version of the product for its features and doesnt want extra new stuff.
For large corporates, advertising and graphics agencies I can see that there is a real benefit and also from an accounting perspective I think the software can now be moved into the 'capitalised' part of the ledger which provides deferment against taxable profits. 

Still learning after all these years!