View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Sep 27th, 2013 01:32

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Hello and welcome, I am not experienced with the D90 but many here are. I am sure they will be along and go through the settings with you.

As for blurry images that many not be down to the resolution. What lens are you using, we need to know that to be more helpful. The focusing mode is a setting which can affect the results.

Perhaps if you post one of the blurry JPEGS here we can help better, believe it or not there are many types of blur, all with different causes. Blur is not usually caused by resolution. The image will have the exposure data embedded so if you post a JPEG we can tell what some of your settings are and help you from there.

Do you have the manual, if not you can download one in PDF from Nikon website.

Probably your best move is to do a 'Two Button Reset' which sets most of the settings the camera settings back to factory settings. Again not familiar with D90 but there are two buttons on the top of the camera with green dots on or next to them, if you press them both at once for about ten second that should clear any of the unwanted settings and get you back to normal, well a good starting point anyway.
