View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 10:34

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4424
blackfox wrote: just had a enquiry via flickr from someone in japan wanting to use one of my photos on a c.d cover ,very polite request etc .allegedly a amateur group .
i have asked them for a one off payment of £100 pounds for the use of the pic does this sound about right as i don't normally sell photo rights etc .

o.O o.O o.O

If you are happy with that figure thats all that matters.

Traditional image libraries always differentiate between selling the picture as a product itself or using it in promotional literature. They then have a number 'off'/impressions scale of charges.

CDs fall between categories because the image, although not being sold as a print, it is ON a product being sold (as opposed to a leaflet promoting it).

I 'sold' a photo being used on 50,000 shoe boxes for £1400 ....15 years ago. But they were a biggish company and it was before the extensive Royalty Free stock images you can buy, for peanuts.

In contrast, last Christmas I was asked to incorporate some studio preshot furniture into lifestyle/garden/outdoor settings. I sourced suitable background images for 'pence'! (background egs below cost £2!)

So at the end of the day its how much you feel comfortable getting and fingers crossed they dont abuse the trust.

Attachment: furniture.jpg (Downloaded 41 times)
