View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Oct 25th, 2013 11:33

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Eric wrote: jk wrote:
Apparently this rumoured camera will be a Nikon DF.

DF = ? Digital Film ?

Whats that mean????
The camera info is due for release in November probably 6th Nov.
DF actually stands for Digital Fusion... apparently.  Whatever that is.

Dont know but at a guess I think that the camera will be a Nikon FA with a digital equivalent insert and a TFT on the back that allows use of MF or AF lenses.

The bit I dont understand is that to allow for good manual focus you need to have a split image or fresnel or microprism screen but really focussing could be by EVF or eye.  Which then begs the question what happens to the pentaprism and mirror ?  Removed I guess. 
If that is the case then we have a 'game changer' or paradigm shift camera.
The next D5 (FX) and D500 (DX) will be without a pentaprism and mirror.  

Interesting times ahead.

Still learning after all these years!