View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012 16:05

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
That looks suspiciously like an out of range exposure i.e. the ISO is too high and aperture too large/wide open for the shutter speed to accomodate.

I have FujiX forums open.

You might have the SAB sticky apperture blade problem that comes up but I would expect that you would be persistently seeing this with your images.
But you do mention that it is happening more frequently so I worry about the SAB.

The EV dial issue then may be a possibility. I went through a spate of these over exposed images but I solved it with an O ring around the EV dial. I'll try find the link in a minute but it is a cheap and effective solution.

Still learning after all these years!