View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Nov 6th, 2013 19:06

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
amazing50 wrote:
It costs a lot more to make a camera with dials than menus. A lot of serious commenters about the camera were disappointed that it didn't have a split image viewfinder option.

Wonder if it will be possible to have an after market one installed or if it would interfere with the auto focus.o.O

I would have felt a lot more positive about the Df if it had been introduced with the splitscreen viewfinder.

Maybe it is also the fact that for me 16MP is not a significant jump from the 12MP in my D3 and D3S. The D600 is great. I just did a quick shot of a moth this evening. Wow what sharpness and detail.

Still learning after all these years!